Sunday, September 2, 2007


Eversince I was a child, I have an exquisite taste on my favourite stuffs, bellonging and possessions. When I entered boarding schools in form 1, it was when I was twelve, I started to develop a different yet very unique favourites. Well, it was the the toilets and showers and I still have in now in KTSN. My favourite shower in this level, happens to be the second out of the three toilets, and the toilets, would also be the second from the right or left, it doesn't matter cause there's only three of each.

Besides, i do have a favourite elder sister. Well, actually I only have one elder sister, sof mi she just happened to be the favourites. Nothing much i could tell about her, cause she's soo much secretive on her own, rarely speaks to me about her own personal life,maybe I wasn't a perfect candidate of all.Too small to be a good listener of hers. Her name is Hazwani, currently settles in HUKM, she's in year3, while i'm in year 2. Both have an excellent passion of medicine. But she took it first, cause she two year older than me.

I don't really have a social life, newer ever had a boyfriend of my own, simply shares the excitement of having boyfriend from my friends which already have one. And, unfortunately, for the sake of telling, i don't event have a favourite boy, which im looking forward to start a relationship. My level of immaturity, really making me stuck in the isle of single ladies, where now, im currently a member in the ladies single group, it was a group in friendster established by a friend of mine, with her konco-konco, whim just happened to be single also.

Well, there's no harm in being sinle. It does not, i repeat, does not impose such threat to any humankind.Im still young after all.

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