Friday, January 20, 2012

courage is not the absence of fear

dying is really scary. i scares me when i look into it. when one of my professor died, it hit me hard, thinking that death is so near, the earth is freakin' tired with its constituents
when i looked into it doesn't matter how long u got sick before you died. as in her, she died after a year of ill health.death it something we don't plan . it comes just like nobody is expecting. he whether you've been sick for a year, a two, or so long that you cannot remember when was the last time you've been healthy. the fact is, sick people sometimes thinks too much of dying , that they forget about living.

i don't really remember the last time in was in a very good health. i cannot even recall. health is something i should appreciate, although its not perfect, but i still have myself. i can live, sleep, work, pray, read, despite having to take a bunch of meds. i dont mind, as long as i am alive , i'll make myself readied for everything in the future

you might have lost your dreams when you get sick , especially chronic illnesses , but it doesn't make u a loser. when u appreciate your small achievements, it is sometimes enough.
enough it is .

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