Friday, August 7, 2009

still having it, day 3

im not really stable, left side is much heavier. hope it will wear off soon...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

thighs are flaring up

left side is so much pain. barely move my left shoulder. anyway, today's a good day, friday...hoping to fill up the ophthal log book...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

this headache is killing me

had a temperature today.very2 hod. now ,reciding.hate to say this but diane is making more and more heachache, dunno when can i stop..thingking of using yasmin next month, which will be the month of final xm

Monday, August 3, 2009


today, i got tired.again headache wiith diane. bought a nice aerochamber today. rm78, so i no longer have to suck the inhaler out when my chest hurts...its totally nice